

Leeto is a SaaS company dedicated to helping CSEs accomplish their missions. Their goal is to build the all-in-one CSE, an ecosystem of products and services that responds to all the needs and aspirations of CSEs to become their main interlocutor.

Their problems was the following — "How do you ensure reimbursement on a claim when there are so many products to choose from?"

Research & Define

We encountered this problem as a result of 2 separate issues: the lack of instruction on the various attachments to send and the fact that 17% of refund requests sent are refused (stats based on product issues received).

On the first point, there are a multitude of products that can be refunded, from an e-ticket downloaded onto your computer to a receipt in your pocket.

Concerning the second point, some products have particularities and require 2 attachments rather than one, such as an airplane refund.

Having noted this, we came up with a number of ideas to help us solve the problem: adding a more explicit step-by-step system, and a system for categorizing a request to provide contextual screens.

Design, Prototyping & Testing

After designing the screens and the various prototypes, we carried out tests internally and then externally (qualitative and quantitative) with a list of objectives and hyphoteses, then looked at the responses to validate them or not.

We delivered all the features in batches, from the purely visual redesign with our UI Kit to the contextual screens.